Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 BMW-3 series

2016 BMW 3-series with refreshed styling;

BMW 3-series provides full features and modren styling  and meet their customers needs and desires.For new model of 2016 the bmw 3 series  do not much focus on cosmetic but it is not to say that cosmetic are totally ignored. They make sharper and more angular counter and they are  now available full LED’s. the lights have new design and shape as well.the back and front are alo redesigned , providing them closer visually to 4-series.

interior BMW 3-series 2016;

The interior gets a slight update, as well. New materials along with more chrome and gloss-black trim are supposed to create a richer look. Brown leather is no longer exclusive to the Luxury Line. And BMW promises that the seamanship and broadcast material system will work better and offer quicker responses, and automatic “over-the-air” map updates are now part of the deal (at least for the first three years of the car’s life), using SIM cards and LTE technology.